Tuesday, October 21, 2008

October 20-14

Grade 12 English

We are working throughHamlet. This week we shall be doing Act IV and Act V. Remember, that marks are being given for reading parts in the play. The Climax essay is due Monday, Oct. 20th. The final assignment is to write an essay on the effectiveness of Hamlet as a play. In this assignment, I am asking you to be a critic as to the effectiveness of William Shakespeare as a writer. You may discuss how closely this play adhears to a definition of tragedy, the effectiveness of the language of the play, the images or symblism of the play, or other topics of your choice. There will be a test on Hamlet early next week.

Grade 9/10 English

This week we are still working on short stories. We shall be reading "A Piece of String" and "First Confession." There will be questions and vocabulary for each story. The 1st book report is due Monday. The next major writing assignment will be a short story, due near the end of November. We shall be discussing this assignment in class this week. There will be a vocabulary test on Friday this week.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

October 6, 2008
Grade 12:
We are reading Hamlet. This week, we shall cover Act II and Act III.
Assignment for Act I, paraphrase of Polonius's speech to Laertes, Act I, scene 3, Lines 58-80, will be due Wednesday, Oct 8th.
Assignment for Act II is: Write an essay on the character of Polonius, emphasizing him as a father. How does Shakespeare develop the character? Remember how character is developed: by what the character does, says, what others say about the character, what the author tells the reader, and how the character interacts with the other characters. Remember essay format: thesis statement, with supporting ideas in the introductory paragraph. The body of the essay coming out of the introduction, with support from the text. Conclusion: restating the thesis, summing up the body, and a concluding sentence. Due: Thursday, October 16th

Grade 9:
We have begun a unit on short story. This week we are reading "Kath and Mouse" in the Crossroads text. Question on page 67 are due Wednesday, Oct 8th. Notes on Plot, conflict and point of view. will be given in class.
Thursday, we shall read "Thank-you Ma'am." Page 76, Questons 1 a-d will be due Friday. In class Friday, we shall be writing a letter, 2. writing, Create a thank-you letter. Pg. 76
Students should be working on their book report at home, especially on the long Thanksgiving holiday. Due October 20th.

Grade 9-10 English:
We are working on a short story unit. Monday, read "The Fatalist." Vocabulary: beedle, archives, locomotive, inevitable, braggart, chided, preordained, fatalist. Questions 1-8 due on Tuesday. Notes on Plot, and Conflict. Wednesday, read Mr. Know-All. Page 132. Notes on Character. Questions 1-6 page 139, due on Thursday. Test on vocabulary Friday.

Students are working on Short Story, due Friday, October 10th.